Story Institute RamblingVerser - Episode 9
03 16,2009
Space…a Writing Frontier with Bart Leahy…
Quote by B.F. Skinner
Poem from William Blake – Sons of Los
Guest Conversation with Bart Leahy
Here is a little about Bart (
“I am a space advocacy writer. My background includes a Master’s degree in Technical Writing, business development writing for defense and non-defense government contractors, and strategic communication for NASA and the National Space Society. My passion is being able to take on a difficult topic, explain it in clear prose, and organize the information so that others can understand and use it easily. It’s not just a matter of getting out a message, but of getting out a message that meets your audience/customer’s needs.”
Short Story Topic – Flying Into a Different Similar Cloud
Poetry Topic – Windows
Running Time: 23 minutes 32 seconds
Play PodcastTags: author conversations, Bart Leahy, NASA, space, writing, writing methods, writing podcast, writing tips, technical writer