Story Idea - Missing Pet, Bunny Gone

When the Jill’s pet rabbit went missing, her friends jumped to help her find him. He was last seen in his cage chomping on a carrot. Small signs of how he got out, escaped, or was taken away still remain on his home. Tiny strips of fabric, bright green cloth are trapped on the cage lock. Jill’s friends start asking questions of everyone in Jill’s family and neighbors. They find bunny footprints in the dirt leading toward the fence. They also find…

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Story Idea - Pet Turtles Are Fun

Pets are wonderful for teaching children responsibility. What better way to teach a boy the responsibility of a pet than with a turtle. That is what the eight-year old boy thought. That is until he met the turtle. The creature disappears inside its shell every time the boy gets near.

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Story Idea - Gifts Shared at a New Home

Small, feathered creatures make their way into a new pond. In order to feel welcome, they bring a few gifts for their new neighbors. Each treasure is specially selected for each new friend. The ducks listen to each story and find out who represents each prize.

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Story Idea - Mysterious Delivery

The day was not cloudy and the night was as dark as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Of course, that is how it usually works out, isn’t it…the truck of new bamboo arrived at the zoo…yes, bamboo, and yes, the zoo. The exhibits needed some new foliage and the pandas needed some additional food. As the keepers open the truck and begin to inspect the cargo, they hear rustling toward the back of the truck. Slowly the make their way toward the sounds. As the reach they back, flashlight shining the way, a small furry creature creeps out from behind the tall stalks. He is black and white looking bear, who is wearing an illuminated, green collar and seems to be smiling at the crew.

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Story Idea - Horse of a New Color

Have you ever thought that the horse of a different color could be real? What if the wish of one little girl helped make this fantasy more of a reality? What if the horse changed colors depending on the mood it was in? What if? What if? That is what the 6 year old little girl kept asking her daddy after taking a few riding lessons.

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Story Idea - Grandma and the Friendly Feline

Grandma has not been feeling well recently. In fact, her grandchildren think that she is starting to lose more than her memory. She seems to have intimate conversations with her cat. One day, however, her littlest granddaughter over hears one of those conversations…both sides…

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Story Idea - Doggie Butler

There are dog bowls, dog collars, dog parks, and even little doggie boutiques…what about a dog butler? A diary of a servant to canine that talks about the monotony and the adventures of the person and the pooch. Day-to-day events such as picking up a rather smelly excrement or just going for a walk are important to the storyline. However, a significant event, humorous event, about running through the sprinklers, climbing through trash to find a favorite toy, or polishing a collar daily would enhance the storyline and engage your readers.

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Story Idea - New Flashlights

What time is it when your flashlight dies? Time to venture down to the local pet store and buy a new little critter. What? Yes, in this part of the future, new creatures have supposedly been “raised” to help save the environment, reduce the number of batteries that leak into the ground, and provide a more continuous source of light while providing a pleasant little companion as well.

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Story Idea - Fish in a Bind

Children stare in wonder at the bright colors of little fish that swish around little bowls or larger tanks. As the tank becomes a little dingy, concentrate on the unique personality of one fish, one little finned-friend who cares about his surroundings. Does it help remind you to clean the filter? Or, does it enjoy the gunk? Decide the role the other fish play to help with this dilemma.

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Story Idea - What are They Thinking?


Sometimes, pictures are not enough to purge a story from the depths of your mind…

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