Story Institute
Imagine, Enhance, Grow Your Stories

Story Institute RamblingVerser - Episode 14

Story Institute, your online and in-print source for imagining, enhancing, and growing stories, is proud to announce the winners of its Spring, 2009 United States poetry contest.

All first and second place winners will be featured in upcoming Story Institute RamblingVerser podcasts and newsletters. Along with the winning poems, entries from selected poets will appear in an upcoming anthology released at the end of 2009.

Story Institute contests have created excitement within the writing community and inspired excellent entries from writers across the U.S. Each verser/poet expresses passion within their poems and applicable websites.

Certificate of Verses

The First Place winner is:
E.D. Arrington for “An Ending of a Similar Kind”

The Second Place winners are:
Suzanne Grenoble for “Core”

Jamie Lynn Waters for “Bitter Awareness”

Joy Sheppard for “Cole Ridge Poem”

All winners receive gift certificates from leading bookstores, a feature in RamblingVerses, Story Institute’s Newsletter, publication in an upcoming Story Institute anthology, and other prizes.

The First Place, Spring 2009 winner, E.D. Arrington, along with the winner of the Fall 2008 contest, Jill Eisnaugle, will receive additional pages within the anthology to share more poems demonstrating their dedication to writing, creativity, and storytelling.

Running Time: 6 minutes 20 seconds

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