02 14,2010
Time Back from Beyond…New focus and new writing prompts…
Quote of the week: “I write about myself with the same pencil and in the same exercise book as about him. It is no longer I, but another whose life is just beginning.”
~ Samuel Beckett
Short Story Focus and Topic: “The Open Boat” ~ Stephen Crane
Read the entire short story here: Stephen Crane – Open Boat
Write a modern version of the “Open Boat”. What changes? Is there technology? Is the boat bigger or smaller?
Poem and Poetry Topic: “The Flea” ~ John Donne
The Flea
by John Donne
Read More…Tags: author conversations, inspiration, John Donne, poetry, short story, Stephen Crane, writing, writing methods, writing podcast, writing tips
05 02,2010
Do you believe in your characters? OK, but do you have faith in your characters to live beyond the time you put them on paper? Is there a difference? Listen and engage in the writing prompts.
Featured Quote:
Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active.
Edith Hamilton
Inspiration for this week’s conversation:
Six Characters in Search of an Author is the most famous and celebrated play by the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello
Read More…Tags: author conversations, belief, characters, Faith, healines, inner voice, John Donne, poetry, short story, writing, writing methods, writing podcast, writing tips