Story Institute
Imagine, Enhance, Grow Your Stories

Story Institute RamblingVerser - Episode 19

Adding character to your characters…Conversations about writing…Chad Corrie & John E Murray III

Quote by
Jim Henson: “Life’s like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.”

This week, we talk about characters, how they start, and how they grow into the breath of their stories…

We are giving away copies of autographed copies of books from some of the authors we have interviewed…you must register for our forums to win…Tell us what you believe the inspiration of this week’s poem was or share one of your own…each will be entered to receive a book.

Short Story Topic –
Finding the Golden Path Home
The clouds cleared and the rainbow made its way across the sky. Tiny feet scurried trying to locate the end of the brightly colored ribbon of light. When you lose the magic that brought you to this land and have no other way back to your own home, you keep trying no matter how long it has been between rainbows. Sure, you have maintained those simple party tricks with playing cards, pulling one coin out of random places, and basic mind-reading, but you lack the direction to find the end and true pot of gold…the path back home.

Decide on how you got here in the first place. Decide if you will truly tell this tale in the first person. Decide on the characters met along this most recent path to the end. Decide if the tale continues or silences after this episode. Decide how long this lost soul has remained without his own country. Decide on your path. Decide on your direction. Decide on the story and write. Post it at, or share elsewhere, but write and enjoy…

Poetry Topic –
No two seashells are alike, yet they group themselves in the same places. They float and they sink. They migrate and are migrated. Some are flatter than others. Some are smooth and others posses ripples and ridges. Many have various colors that allow them to sparkle in the sunlight and catch your eye as you stroll down the beach. A few others are dull in nature and blend into the glistening sand.

Do you think about hearing the ocean? Do you hear the ocean when holding up a shell to your ear? Are these the same seashells that cover the clam shaped beings that were lost somewhere along the way to the shore? Decide on the adventure these residents of the deep took to reach the surface and share the story in verse. Post it, or share elsewhere, but write and enjoy…

Contact Story Institute at:; 615-431-WRIT(9748); or share a review on iTunes
Running Time: 27 minutes 56 seconds

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